Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Work

We went to a BEAD SHOW! on Friday.  I was much more selective this time.  I bought less but spent almost as much as last time.

The earrings in this post were made mostly with new loot.

Ingredients:  rainbow moonstone, rose quartz, prehnite, peridot, green amethyst, Labradorite, amethyst, more green amethyst, rose quartz, garnet and Labradorite.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Uh Oh... my many (I'm talking A LOT) years of beading I have never dropped an entire string of beads.  I've dropped single beads more times than I can count, but I repeat, never have I dropped an entire string.  Until tonight.  To be precise, 3/4 of a 17" string of teeny, tiny beads.  Okay, looking closer, 2/3, but still.

I did not secure the clip and it slipped down and I watched a teeny, tiny bead avalanche.  I picked up many of them with packing tape.  It's really sticky tape so getting them off will be another adventure.

No more stringing tonight.  A few earrings maybe.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Earring of the Day June 10th

I think I'm getting a handle on the photography.  I have some stuff on order to make it easier to photograph the pretty things.  Once it's really under control I plan to load my Etsy page once again.  I took everything off because I had orders to fill, and the pictures were not very good.

Today's earring is blue sponge quartz (dyed, of course) with baroque pearls from many years ago.  On sterling silver.

The lines in the background were caused by one of my lights interacting with the phone.  The phone still takes the best pictures.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

This is a test

I'm going to upload some photos so I can view them on my laptop to see if they pixilate.