Friday, March 8, 2013

Earring of the Day 3-8-13

My post today was going to be titled "Bead Show!". We were supposed to be going to a very good bead and gem show in Seattle but my partner in crime is not feeling well. He is flu-ish and sick enough to lay in bed all day - in the 10 years we have been together this is only the third time this has happened, and once was the hangover of a lifetime - so I know he is really feeling poorly. We are both hoping he'll feel well enough to go this afternoon. If not we'll aim for Sunday. Oh well.

Anyhow, the ingredients for today's earrings are: pink jade (dyed I believe), prehnite, pink mystic topaz and sterling Bali beads on sterling silver.

Tune in over the weekend. I will be posting pics of some new necklaces in shorter lengths with pretty dangly things.

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