Saturday, April 6, 2013

We Are Back, and...

... I've created an Etsy shop.  And, golly, is it a lot of work.  Especially working on an ailing laptop with a small hard drive.

Anyhow, we spent five wonderful days out at the Washington coast.  We had beautiful weather and optimal tides for walking on the beach.  We collected rocks and one afternoon they called to me and I built many cairns.  We created a game where all rocks must become cairns using at least three stones.  Today I became mesmerized by the drain rock fill around the basement of the new house.  I saw cairns. 
These are just the small ones from Tuesday.  Here is a close up.
Aren't they cute?  I stood on a rock and told my partner in crime to put a rock on my head to make me a cairn.

I digress.  This is a jewelry blog, no?  Below see my new display.  And a few of the new creations.

Faceted blue quartz (dyed) and freshwater pearls on sterling silver.

Smoky quartz faceted pyramid with prehnite and champagne crystal on sterling.  Below, Czech glass with canary then petite gray crystal.  
GO SEE MY ETSY PAGE.  I've linked it on all the Etsy references.

1 comment:

Sheri Hausman said...

I love the way you have these diplayed!!!